Shooting Time!
Braiden, Tyson and Brittany were busy earning their keep by cleaning out the fishing boat. I figured since this was the only work they did all weekend I should have proof.

Little Ty striking a pose with his sparklers. They could not wait for it to get dark so we did it in the light. Still just as much fun
This was Denise's idea. Here is our billboard advertisement that was on the trailer we rented. Doesn't is make you want to run right out and rent one? Just kidding, it was good fun.

look close in Braiden's hands. It is a pop gun. All weekend long we heard, pop pop pop pop pop, you get the idea. At times there were five kids there so it truly went all weekend long. I could tune it out. Those without two crazy little boys living with them had a harder time tuning out the constant noise. Me, I'm a pro.

They were trying to pose cute, but being the goofy kids they are, of course someone fell down
So here is a good story. The first night of our camping trip, Jamie announces that we are all going fishing at 6:00 am. Braiden, being the boy who gets excited about everything could not sleep that night. All night long we heard, "dad, what time is it", or "dad, how am I going to know when it is 6" or "dad", "dad", "dad". Needless to say. There was absolutely no sleeping going on. As a matter of fact, Braiden decided to get up and get dressed at 4:00 and sit in the drivers seat of the motor home so he would know when everyone got up. The sad part about all of that is, everyone slept in and no one went fishing until 7:30. At lease he was ready to go and no one had to wait for him. Funny now, not in the middle of the night though.

Good thing we got up so early to go fishing, (he, he) The boys truly did love it, even though there were no bites that morning.

Aww, cute family photo. This was at the tip of the mountain we went four wheeling up. I am a total nervous Nelly on those things. I kept thinking we were going to tip over. The boys however, could not get enough. If someone was silly enough to be sitting around doing nothing, one of the kids would sucker them into taking them for a ride.

As you can see Layla, met her new beau. His name is Eddie. This is what they looked like all weekend, unless of course they were sleeping.
Little Ty striking a pose with his sparklers. They could not wait for it to get dark so we did it in the light. Still just as much fun
look close in Braiden's hands. It is a pop gun. All weekend long we heard, pop pop pop pop pop, you get the idea. At times there were five kids there so it truly went all weekend long. I could tune it out. Those without two crazy little boys living with them had a harder time tuning out the constant noise. Me, I'm a pro.
They were trying to pose cute, but being the goofy kids they are, of course someone fell down
Good thing we got up so early to go fishing, (he, he) The boys truly did love it, even though there were no bites that morning.
Aww, cute family photo. This was at the tip of the mountain we went four wheeling up. I am a total nervous Nelly on those things. I kept thinking we were going to tip over. The boys however, could not get enough. If someone was silly enough to be sitting around doing nothing, one of the kids would sucker them into taking them for a ride.