Oh how I love football. I have to admit, I never enjoyed football growing up. Sure the High School football games are always fun but that is because you are always there with a very large group of friends, not because you actually like football. Then as a married person, the Superbowl parties are always fun, but that is because you have a very large group of friends, and food is involved, not because you actually like watching the game, but then, your precious child plays and suddenly you need to learn about the game, buy yourself a jersey and scream at the T.V. right along with the rest of the men in the house. Funny how kids change your life. I can now honestly say, I adore football.

Is this not seriously the best picture. Thirsty hardworking kid in his huge helmet

Then there is Coach Dad! Cutest dang coach I have ever seen. Us girls it has always been about the cute football players, even still ...

All lined up and ready to "hit somebody", as we were always yelling at them. Funny you spend their whole childhood telling them it is not ok to hit other people then get them on the line and we go back on everything we have worked so hard to teach them.