Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

This Halloween was so weird.  A year ago at this time, we knew about Addison but were still waiting to find out if we had been picked.  We keep walking around saying "a year ago today ..." I cannot believe it has been a year. 
So, Happy Halloween to my wonderful little family.  I love them more that I ever thought possible.
Kent is Ghost Rider by the way 
Pumpkin Carving time.  Boys and their knives - sheesh 
Cute little stinker did not want her picture taken. But she is such a cute little skeleton.
This witch hat was so flippin cute, but ... she did not like it and would not leave it on.  I can barely keep barretts in her hair.  I knew the hat would never last 

I just have to say, the amount of candy these guys came home with was quite repulsive, but they had a blast.  This Halloween it was cold and raining.  This meant the girls were on door duty while the boys went out.  We decided Braiden was finally old enough for he and his friends go out without adult supervision.  They did think they were pretty hot stuff.  Ty and his friends got followed around by daddy.

Tyson was so funny.  The goof ball poured his candy on the floor and really thought Addison would leave it alone.  She was all over that stuff.  No we did not let her eat any candy this year but she thought it was fun to pretend.