Of course the first thing the boys wanted to do was swim. It really was only about 70 degrees and not really swimming warm, but kids don't care. Grandpa's pool was still a little on the cool side but here they are getting ready to jump in.
This next picture will show you how cold the water was. Look at Tyson's face comming out of the water. Priceless
Here is Addison sun bathing. Well not really but we thought it would be a cute picture anyway.
Candice was deathly afraid of holding a baby. It was funny and she did just fine. Addison did not cry like she thought she would. All of the fuss made me get the camera. I thought this would be a funny photo op. Silly Candice.
Day two of swimming. We decided to go down to their community center since the pool there was warmer, and they had a hot tub. Cute little kids were little fishies all weekend long
All that swimming just wore Addison out
This was expo day. Grandpa and I had to go pick up our race bibs so we took most of the crew along.
Addison loves being in the front pack with daddy.
Silly kiddos
This was Grandpa and I just after the race. The weather was absolutely perfect. There were just over 30,000 runners there - holy cow that was a lot of people
This is my father posing like a girl. I was in my running skirt and he was jealous. There were a lot of people dressed up to match each other. I told dad we should have got him a running skirt so we could match. It would have been so cute.
Of course everyone loved Addison - how can you not. The girls were so cute with her. They just loved their new cousin
Two peas in a pod!
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for letting us stay with you, we had a blast and can't wait until next time.