Saturday, November 19, 2011

Addison Turns Two!!

My baby turned two!!! Oh how the time truly does fly.  She has turned into an outgoing, spunky, funny child.  As much as I love to see her grow and learn new things, I am also sad that my baby is growing up.

This year for her party we decided to have a friend party.  Her babysitter (for lack of a better word) and she share the same birthday, so I had a double party.  It was fun having a bunch of little kids around.
 For her birthday we got her a play kitchen.  It is so cute.  She loves playing with it.  We keep it in our kitchen so she can cook with me.  I kind of think it is fantastic.  Oh, and of course we got balloons too.  Her absolute favorite.
 With her sista friend.  I love these girls.  Notice the ribbons coming out of Addison's head?  They are her balloons clipped to her ponytail.  She wore it like that for days.
 And of course the blowing out of the candles.  My mom had her finger in front of the flash so please pardon the severe shadow.
 This girl loves her food.  Especially if it is sweet.  She started out just taking handfuls of it, then she skipped that all together and just took huge bites out of the cake.  When Grandpa Mike saw the pictures he called her the cake monster.  Quite fitting.
"What, it's my cake ..."

 That was some yummy cake :)
 Present time ...

 She loves this tent.  It is in the corner of her room right now and she will go in there to look at books.  I love it, so cute
 This face is so sweet
 And then so proud looking
Little stinker got into mamma's make-up.  Since it was her birthday weekend I just took her clothes off and let her play.  It was one of the things I rarely use anyway

 The after party, party.  With her sweet Tyson playing with all the new toys.
Happy Birthday Baby.  I love you so incredibly much!!!