Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Addie G (aka Addison Grace)

Oh sweet little girl of ours.  She is so dang cute, I can hardly stand it (although right now she is in the sling and yelling at me, sad for me)  She is almost 4 weeks old now and has changed so much.  It kinda makes me sad.  Funny how I could not wait for the boys to grow up and I keep telling her to slow down.  I do love the age of the boys right now though.  Time could possibly stop and I would be happy with that.
Addison still wakes up every three hours all day/night long to eat.  When she goes a whole four hours at night we jump for joy.  She is alert so much more now and you can actually wake her up, last week forget about it, if she was sleeping there was nothing you could do to change that. 
Here are some freaking cute pictures our friend Amy did of her.  We actually did them at our house, she just brought her house with her for props and what not.  It was fun and she peed on everything, seriously every single shot of her with no diaper, there is pee under her.  It was funny.

This one below is extra cute as it shows her heart shaped birthmark above her hip.  So cute!

Just look at those dimples.  I am excited for when she smiles at me for real and not just cuz of toots.